Thursday, June 18, 2009

Only the beginning. . .

Well, I finally did it! I finally joined my friends in blogging thanks to my friend, Kendall!! You are the greatest, girl!! So creative! It must be that interior designer in you! Anyway, thank you. I'm actually pretty excited to start blogging. Don't tell my husband that I'm sharing our lives online, though. He's pretty weird about that kind of stuff. He doesn't even like the idea of facebook. Oh well. I'm an open book!! No secrets here. So. . .here begins a new adventure.

I have two men in my life that I could not live without. . .Jason and Brooks! They are everything to me. Jason is my husband, and we got married on November 21, 2008 (NEWLYWEDS), and we couldn't be happier. Brooks is my 5-year-old little boy whom I adore!! Jason is new to all of it. . .marriage, owning his 1st home, becoming a new stepdad, and most important, dealing with me!! It's been an adjustment for him, but one that we both love to share. He's amazing. I feel so lucky to have found such an incredible man to share my hopes, dreams and life with forever. He's been such an incredible role model for Brooks, and he's been an incredible supporter of me. Jason is actually 29 years old, and I'm his "cougar". he he. No. Just kidding. However, I'm turning 32 on Tuesday, and he just likes to give me a hard time about it. I've always thought that younger men were more immature, and I've never before dated younger than me. However, I soon found out that Jason was years ahead of me in maturity. It's a nice balance. =) I'm a lucky lady to have these two "boys" in my life, and I can't wait for all of the adventures ahead of us!! More to come. . .


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